Today's (2.8.08) old boy's 10 miler was organised by our very own Dave Game who recently gave up full time employment so that he can dedicate the rest of his life to his main passion of trail running. Today's run was a little special, starting and finishing in the smoke free (yes!) Jack and Jenny in Witham, Dave took us around local villages giving various researched talks en route. The picture on the left is of some old wooden bridge over a dirty old river. Apparently it's the last wooden ailway bridge in existence!! Fortunately Howard had a phone with a camera and instantly mastered the new to him art of e mailing the picture. I rec'd it over a pint in the pub and we all thought that it would liven up the blog by having something other than Google Earth maps!
The shadow on the right of the shot is Springfields very own Richard Taylor who, by the way, is organising the Thursday 16.8 trail from South Woodam Ferrers. Richard has guaranteed to base his route on the local topography ( being a fine geography tutor). The team can't wait for Sue and John Clarke's math based Thursday bash. It will be a fine ''addition'' to our ''division'' (doh!)
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